😎 Cool Thing Is Just Cool! | Daily Drip

Sharing Just Plain 🆒 AI Stuff Today

Quick one today friends, because the pictures are worth well more than my words will ever be.

▶️ PurzBeats crafts amazing AI works, and often LIVE on stream. Experimenting with the latest tools and creative workflows, Purz is generous enough to share their workflows with the world. This post had me stunned with equal parts inspiration, and admittedly, intimidation. Just click play, you will not regret it:

🤯 The workflow on this one is panic inducing, even if you use these tools on the daily. But, if you care to dive in, here’s the three hour tutorial which might get you there. God speed.


This video will have you rooting for the (little) large language model that could! Remember, sometimes the machines don’t believe in themselves, but they’re more than capable with a little encouragement. Funny how something trained on human data, “acts so darn human” sometimes…

If you dig these daily drips, let us know, and please consider sharing this with your friends and frienemies:

Hope you’re all enjoying the latest AI4H, btw. It was a beast to put together, but, we had fun.

