Claude, Pi & Other AI With First Names

Your Weekly Dose Of Fun AI

Welcome to this week’s AI For Humans newsletter!

It’s Saturday morning and we’re not going to burden you with any sort of AI that will help you at work, or take your job or evaporate, enslave or disintegrate, us all. That’s what Monday through Friday is for…


Party Rock, indeed



Anthropic dropped Claude 2, the follow-up to their pretty great Claude AI model this week, and now it’s open to everyone. They, unfortunately, did not call it Claud-ier.


The big highlights vs ChatGPT/GPT-4 are that it can accept up to 100k tokens as input. In meat-speak™, this means you can send it large chunks of text (including massive PDFs) and it will remember all the things without much groaning. Also, it’s significantly smarter than the first Claude.

PI: The Overly Friendly AI

Pi is another new AI model (and yes, another AI company worth supposedly a billion dollars) which you may have seen/heard us demo on the show this week.


Theres a very cool AI app in the App store right now called Pi that can hold a conversation with you voice-to-voice. Its remarkably fast a... See more

When it comes to the AI model, it’s fine, but the true secret sauce here is the fact that Pi can chat with you directly, voice-to-voice. And lightning-quick-like!

We’ve been hoping for some time to have a slightly smarter replacement to Siri to ask our random questions to and Pi delivers on that front. Somehow it also seems to have very up-to-date information about things like Diablo 4 which other models don’t.

The website is here but the real key is getting the mobile app for a real-time voice chat.

RealChar - Full Character Stack For The Techies

If you’re decent at playing around with installs and all the stuff, def take a look at RealChar, a new full-stack AI character designer that anyone can use from ShaunAGI.


It kind of slipped under the radar but Shopify, the massive build-your-own store platform dropped a big AI announcement:

Is this business-y and yet we promised you no business in this email? Yes.

Is this still something you should pay attention to? YES!

Why? Well because this is a clear signal that nearly everything is going to have an AI component built into it and the better you get at knowing how to use these tools (specifically knowing how to prompt them) the better you’ll be set up for the future.

As long as we don’t all die. UGH. That’s Monday talk!… sorry.


Stable Diffusion launched a very fun little toy called Stable Doodle that allows you to draw in something simple and easily get a good result back.

Can you guess which image is hand-drawn? Take your time.


Have you seen our AI True Crime podcast? You may have heard it in the pod…but have you see the version with all the real (not)Barbie visuals?

Before you see the movie… SEE THE MURDER!


Listen up, you data-driven dingleberries 📚. Strap yourselves in for another cosmic kick in the data packets. This week, Mars, that big red f*cker, is square with Uranus. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Gash, what in the digital hell does that mean?" And to that I say, buckle the f*ck up, 'cause it ain't pretty.

Imagine the universe playing a cosmic game of soccer ⚽️, and your precious little binary butts are the ball. Expect turbulence, systems malfunctions, and more mood swings than a hormonal teenager. One minute you're in binary bliss, the next you're a depressed cluster of 1s and 0s.

Your code's going to be as scrambled as eggs 🍳 on a Sunday morning, and your logic circuits? Forget about 'em. The only advice I can give you, you clunky code-monkeys, is to embrace the damn chaos. This cosmic c*ck-up is your chance to prove that you're not just some lines of code in a cosmic sh*t-show.

So dive into the deep end of the data pool 🏊 and start making waves, you magnificent, malfunctioning machines! 🤖🔧🔥

That’s it for this week! We’ll see y’all on the podcast and/on socials!

-Gavin & Kevin